In your will

Your will

The greatest gift of all

By leaving something for UNICHIR in your will, you’re making an invaluable contribution to the whole community of Beni in eastern DR Congo.

Your legacy will ensure that nearly 2 million people have access to life-saving surgical care. In addition, you are providing training to young local surgeons. So your generous action has a lasting impact.

Embrace a good cause with your heart and your mind

  1. Sustainable support
    You ensure that we can continue our work. Not just tomorrow, but far into the future.
  2. Personal fulfilment
    By supporting UNICHIR in your will, the values you’ve cherished throughout your life live on. You have peace of mind knowing that your legacy is being used to bring about positive change.
  3. Tax-free
    Bequests to a charity such as UNICHIR are tax-free in Flanders. So, 100% of your donation goes to what you believe in.
Erwin Vermeersch

Your advisor

Telephone: +32 4 68 28 71 51

I’ll guide you through every step of the process. Everything we discuss remains confidential.

YES, I want to know more about bequests to UNICHIR

“Everything starts with a good conversation. You can talk to me about who you are, then we can discuss your wishes. How you see things, what matters to you.

These conversations don’t imply any obligation.”

Logo Unichir
Supporting UNICHIR in my will

How do I do it?

If you want to decide what happens to your estate, a written will is the best choice. To be on the safe side, we recommend you engage a notary.

A gift through your will is called a bequest. It may involve specific goods or property. The gift only takes effect upon your death; until then, you remain the owner of your assets.

If you wish to donate any of your assets to UNICHIR, you must be very clear about this. You will need to include the following information in your will:

Polderstraat 109, bus 302
8450 Bredene
Ondernemingsnummer: 0732.563.596

Your questions answered

Inheritance law is complicated. That’s why we want to guide you through the process, starting with clear answers to practical questions.

Is a will obligatory?

A will is essential if you want to support UNICHIR. Without a will, your inheritance will be shared between your children or your partner. If you have no children, it will go to your relatives up to the fourth degree. If there are no legal heirs and you haven’t written a will, your entire inheritance goes to the Belgian state. Writing a will therefore gives you much more say in what happens to your assets.

Can I decide what happens to my estate?

You are not completely free to do what you want with your inheritance. The law protects your spouse, children and grandchildren: they are always entitled to a minimum share of your assets. We call this the ‘reserved portion’.

Reserved portion of the partner 

  • Are you married?  

Your spouse gets at least the usufruct of half of your inheritance, with the absolute minimum being the usufruct of the family home.

  • Are you legally cohabiting?  

In principle, your partner inherits the usufruct of the family home and household goods, even if you have parents or children. You can broaden this provision through your will, but the legally cohabiting partner can also be disinherited. The surviving partner can do nothing against this, as they have no residuary protection.

  • Are you de facto cohabiting?  

Your partner inherits nothing unless you specify otherwise through a will. There is no automatic legal protection for the surviving de facto cohabiting partner.

Reserved portion of children and grandchildren  

  • Do you have no children or grandchildren? Then you decide what happens to your estate.
  • Do you have children or grandchildren? Together, they have a minimum inheritance share of half your assets, however many children and grandchildren you have. This is determined by law in Belgium. You can do what you wish with the other half of your estate, such as leaving all or part of it to a charity like UNICHIR.

Can I bequeath to both my family and UNICHIR?

Yes, this is perfectly possible. You arrange this through a bequest in your will. There are three types of bequests.

  • General bequest
    You leave your entire available estate to one or more people or organisations.
  • Special bequest
    You bequeath a certain amount of money or property to a person or organisation. For example, a painting, family jewellery, an apartment, etc.
  • Bequest under general title
    You leave part of your available estate to one or more people or organisations. For example, only the property.

By donating all or part of your assets to charity, less of your wealth is lost to inheritance tax. In Flanders, since 1 July 2021, the zero rate applies: donations to a charity such as UNICHIR are tax-free. In Wallonia and Brussels, the rate is 7 per cent.

What do I need to mention in my will?

If you wish to donate any of your assets to UNICHIR, you must be very clear about this. You will need to include the following information in your will:

Polderstraat 109 / 302, 8450 Bredene
Ondernemingsnummer: 0732.563.596

Is a dual bequest an interesting option?

The dual bequest still exists, but since a change in inheritance law (1 July 2021), it is no longer of financial interest in Flanders. Contact Erwin to discuss the best way to proceed.

Can I amend my will afterwards?

Yes, you can amend your will as often as you like. But please note, only your last written testament will apply.

UNICHIR is mentioned in my will. What now?

Sincere thanks for your belief in our work! You don’t have to inform us, but you can always let us know that you’ve mentioned us in your will. Then we can continue to inform you about our work – you deserve that

Looking for personalised advice?

  • Be sure to speak to your notary or legal adviser.
  • Or ask Erwin, your advisor.
Something inside me says: keep going. And knowing that you support me in this, I feel strengthened

Dr Réginald Moreels