Help out

You make the difference in eastern DRC

Help us build a better world!

Almost 2 million people in the Beni region are unable to access medical assistance.

The average person in Beni can barely afford a consultation, let alone an operation. Your support will change their lives.

One-off donation
  • Any amount you can spare will be gratefully received.
  • Good to know: a donation of 58 euros will pay for the equipment and drugs for one operation. On top of that, this vital donation gives you a tax reduction.
Monthly donation

You can support our work more efficiently with a small monthly donation.

  • The amount is taken automatically, so you don’t even have to think about it.
  • You can easily adjust or stop this support at any time.
Support us in your will

Mentioning us in your will is the greatest gift of all. To learn more about bequests, please contact Erwin, your advisor.

“I’ll guide you through every step of the process. Everything we discuss remains confidential.”

Erwin Vermeersch